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News and updates from Orthoclinic

COVID-19 Temporary Practice Shutdown

27th Mar, 2020


Orthoclinic will temporarily shutdown its orthodontic clinic in Manuka effective from Friday 27 March.

The Australian Health Protection Principal Comittee (AHPPC) comprised of all state and territory Chief Health Officers and chaired by the Australian Chief Medical Officer has provided the following recommendations:

“…. that all dental practices implement Level 3 restrictions as outlined in the Australian Dental Association’s (ADA) Managing COVID-19 Guidance document. That is, dentist should only perform dental treatments that do not generate aerosols, or where treatment generating aerosols is limited. All routine examinations and treatment should be deferred.”

The ADA’s Managing COVID-19 Guidance document does not include orthodontic treatment in Level 3 restrictions and therefore, Orthoclinic must no longer see patients until the restrictions are lowered to Level 2 or less.


What does this mean for my next orthodontic appointment ?

We plan on reappointing all current appointments to delay them by 6 weeks.  You will be informed of your new appointment time and date by email and SMS.  If the time provided is not suitable, please contact us on 02 6295 2005 to change this appointment.


What if I have a problem with my braces while Orthoclinic is in shutdown ?

Reception will be contactable by phone (02 6295 2005) or email (reception@orthoclinic.net.au) during normal business hours Monday-Friday during this shutdown period.  We will triage orthodontic issues in accordance with the Level 3 restrictions and provide assistance accordingly.


How does this impact my orthodontic treatment progression ?

Any delay in your next orthodontic treatment appointment will simply add further treatment time to your overall treatment.  This only becomes problematic if your oral hygiene is not adequate, which can lead to dental decay.  For those patients with braces, please ensure that tooth brushing is performed for 2 minutes after morning and evening meals at a minimum.


What about my scheduled direct debit payments for treatment ?

Orthoclinic has paused all direct debit scheduled payments for the month of April 2020.  It is not our intention to charge you for treatment we are not able to deliver.


When will you reopen ?

When dental practice restrictions have been reduced to Level 2 or lower as dictated by the AHPCC.


Please do not hesitate to contact reception on 02 6295 2005 for questions you may have.  More updates to come…


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